In what sense? On what ground? For what/whom?
“Meet the Galilean Jesus,”
Welcome to Galilee School of Theology!

Whether you have arrived here in search of something special or just by chance, welcome! You will find at Galilee School of Theology a unique community of learning as we work together for greater life and a more creative society.
As you explore this site, I hope you get a sense of the original and creative spirit of the Galilee School of Theology. If you are interested in pursuing a sensible story of the Galilean Jesus, in the context of radical & open Christianity, there is no better place for that than Galilee School of Theology. If you seriously seek to re-design your life, I welcome you here. Our outstanding faculty, dedicated staff, and passionate student body create a rich environment for the thinking and visioning of a life of faith.
We are affiliated with the United Jesus Church, a church with a radically inclusive mission. Our ecumenical community brings together learners from a wide variety of locations, ages, sexual orientations, and faith traditions.
If you are interested in meeting the Galilean Jesus and being a wholly mature person through a new design of your life, Galilee School of Theology will be an exciting and fulfilling place for you. Welcome!