In what sense? On what ground? For what/whom?
“Meet the Galilean Jesus,”
Building a beautiful community of Christians with intellectually sensible Gospel & practically credible social life.
Galilee School of Theology is grounded in the Christian faith and shaped by the Protestant tradition of pious criticism, ecumenical openness, and bio-friendly concern. Its mission as a school of graduate level theology programs is to educate — through scholarship, teaching, and service — faithful and creative leaders for implementing the inclusive and soft vision of the Galilean Jesus in the world. GST accomplishes this mission by:
- Understanding:
- Self-confidence:
- Self-criticism:
- Readiness to Learn from Others:
- Capability to Raise Questions:
- Empowering to Commit:
- Sustaining the Vision of Jesus:
Value Statement [Commitments]
To accomplish our mission, we commit to the following values as educational outcomes.
Do the very best for students to understand their own Christian traditions, not merely to repeat and confess them.
Be accountable to the secular intelligence as well as the Christian mind with confidence of the ancient Christian faith in spite of all the suppressive endeavors.
Be responsible in all of our intellectual and practical activities. Be proud of being a Protestant which succeed in the critical mind of Galilean Jesus and St. Paul.
Readiness to Learn from Others:
Readiness for constant learning is essential to be ever maturing people in this global and postmodern age. Learn form everyone with respect and dignity, valuing individual and cultural-religious differences.
Capability to Raise Questions:
Practicing the Three Big Questions (In what sense? On what ground? For what/whom?) in various contexts.
Empowering to Commit:
Empowering students to commit themselves to the vision with the cause they discern.
Sustaining the Vision of Jesus:
Sustaining the vision of Galilean Jesus anchored on passionate criticism of the established and compassionate open-table with the under-privileged, which was unfortunately so early collapsed under the violent and self-righteous Christendom.
*Mission Statement and Commitments adopted by the Board of Trustees, GST, December 15, 2012.